Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I thought I would open up about my personal life a little bit....

15 things you may not know about me...and 5 you don't want to.

1.) I only have eight toes.
2.) I giggle when I go number two
3.) My middle name is Gayle
4.) I have a twin, but he's Asian
5.) I'm afraid of blankets
6.) I sleep in a onesie
7.) I wish my skeleton was lined with adamantiam
8.) I'm a clean freak!!!
9.) My favorite brand of glass cleaner is Sprayway
10.) My wife thinks I look like the male version of Janet Renoe
11.) I like mangos w/spagehtti sauce
12.) I'm a great basketball player
13.) I've been told I'm great at dotting my "i"'s
14.) My parents thought I was a girl for the first year of my life
15.) My super power is making myself look good!
16.) My name is John, and I like to party!
17.) I can beat Master Nate Lawton in a personal training competition 8 days a week.
18.) Oosh and Watoons are my favorite words.
19.) Having your uterus taken out is not pleasant.
20.) Punch dancing is a great form of aerobic and anaerobic exercise.


  1. No John I am the only one here that likes to party!

  2. huh!! I get the Oosh and Watoons. But just for the record as your mom I always knew you were a boy and have 10 toes.
